Friday, June 11, 2010

Opportunity to Serve

Funeral Homes may want to assist families, who are concerned about the recently reported burial errors at Arlington National Cemetery. There is information about this in current news sources.

Because you regularly deal with cemetery and funeral issues, this would be a valuable service to provide to families in your area. A phone number at Arlington has been set up to address these concerns. It is 703.607.8199 and is available 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. EDT.

Suggestion: Place an ad in your local newspaper inviting anyone with concerns about burials at Arlington, or any other cemetery for that matter, to call you.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Opportunities to Recognize Your Community

Official Be A Hero to Your Community Month

Every month we publish a selected list of officially recognized periods for you to develop a themed event or activity to strengthen your connection to the community.
National Flag Week: 13-19
Hold a special patriots recognition event.  Honor a local hero. 
Decorate your facility with American flags

Adopt A Shelter Cat Month
Invite the local SPCA to bring adoptable cats to your facility on a Saturday morning.  Serve coffee and snacks.  Have a Vet lecture on feline health.
Perennial Gardening Month
Invite local gardeners to a lecture on native perennial plants and flowers.  Offer cuttings and seedlings from your plants and flowers.
Men's Health Week: 14-20
Sponsor a lecture by a local physician on men’s fitness and health screening.  Do free cholesterol and blood pressure screening.
Iced Tea Day: 10
Cemeterians, take ice tea to all your crew in the early afternoon.  Take photos and send them to the local paper.
Family History Day: 14
Sponsor a lecture on researching and writing a family history.  Offer to publish histories on your website.  Invite the press.
Baby Boomer's Recognition Day: 21
Hold a “Have It Your Way” lecture on senior living, health, and recreation.
Public Service Day: 23
Find a local citizen to honor for their public service.  Sponsor a wine and cheese event where they serve or some other appropriate venue.

Official Month, Weeks, and Days for June
Adopt A Shelter Cat Month
Black Music Month
International Men's Month
International Surf Music Month
Perennial Gardening Month
National Rose Month
National Safety Month
National Soul Food Month
Professional Wellness Month
Women's Golf Month

National Flag Week: 13-19
Men's Health Week: 14-20
Universal Father's Week: 14-20

National Cancer Survivors Day: 6
Iced Tea Day: 10
Nursing Assistants Day: 10
Loving Day: 12
Army's Birthday: 14
Pause for the Pledge Day: 14
Blood Donor Day: 14
Family History Day: 14
American Eagle Day: 20
Husband Caregiver Day: 20
Family Awareness Day: 20
Father's Day: 20
Baby Boomer's Recognition Day: 21
Summer Solstice: 21
Public Service Day: 23
Take Your Dog To Work Day: 25
Take My Children To Work Day: 28

Johnson-Woodford, management consultants to the deathcare industry
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