Just when you thought you had marketing down pat, along comes social media and new emerging concepts about marketing fundamentals. You know by rote the fundamental four Ps: product,
price, place and promotion. To be a successful marketer, it's important to also consider the effect of people, process, physical evidence, packaging, partners and payment on your success as a marketer. Social Media,maligned, misunderstood, and misused, has contributed to marketing disasters by diverting marketers attention from the basic 10 P's.
A recent Forbes article puts Social Media in perspective. Read more http://www.forbes.com/sites/yec/2012/09/18/why-traditional-marketing-trumps-social-media-and-what-to-do-about-it/
Also, check J-W Facebook posts for articles and information related to keeping Social Media in perspective. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Johnson-Woodford-Company-Management-Consultants/211542583960?ref=hl